My Beautiful Furbabies....

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Palliative Care

Prayer for a Dying Pet
May you find rest near refreshing waters,
may you lie in cool, green pastures,
and may you warm yourself under the sun that never sets.

You have been my constant companion,
my shadow and confidante,
my comfort and playmate.
You filled my days with life and brought me endless joy.
For this I give thanks to God who gave you to me.

Now return to your Maker who eagerly waits for you
as you waited for me at the end of each day.

In the Father’s arms, let there be no more pain.
Let there be no more suffering.
Let there be only light as it was on the day God created you.

For our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
Blessed be the name of the Lord, now and forever. Amen.

You may or may not have heard the term, palliative care.  Palliative Care is the medical approach that improves the quality of life of terminally ill patients and their families.  It helps to relieve the pain and suffering of these patients in the comfort of their own homes.
Palliative Care is now being used to help our companion animals and the people who love them address their spiritual, physical and emotional needs.  It is terribly hard to say good-bye to a beloved pet and even harder to watch them suffer from pain or a terminal illness. 
Please watch this short video to learn more about Palliative Care. 
You can also visit or to read more about in home care for your terminally ill or dying pets.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I had known about this when we had our Tippi. She was a cocker spaniel/beagle mix and developed Cushing's.

    She was only 7 years old when she passed in 2007,and for the last 2 years of her life she was very sick and I felt helpless to help her.

    On July 30, 2007, she collapsed as I was bringing her in from outside and died on the way to the vet's office. She sat up in the car, looked right at me as if to say goodbye and then quietly laid down and died.

    I would have appreciated a service that would have helped me make her more comfortable, but am happy that such a service exists now.

    What a comfort!
