My Beautiful Furbabies....

Friday, October 7, 2011

Food Allergies Can Cause Chronic Ear Infections and More

A dog's ears can easily become inflamed or infected. In fact, ear inflammation is one of the most common medical conditions in dogs. The condition is also one of the easiest to prevent, however, with the help of regular ear care.

Keeping a dog's ears clean is essential to keeping them healthy, and buildup can usually be prevented through regular weekly cleanings. However, once a significant amount of dirt and debris has accumulated, more frequent cleanings may be necessary to get the problem under control. Some wax in the ears is normal, and likely won't cause a problem. However, if the ears have a bad smell or abnormal appearance, or if they seem to hurt, immediate veterinary attention is warranted.
Some of the symptoms of ear disease are:

--discharge from the ears
--a strong, foul smell
--dark, dry debris in the ears
--ears that are red or swollen
--shaking or tilting the head
--scratching or rubbing the ears or head
--pain in the ears
--changes in behavior or mood, such as irritability or depression

A vet will be able to tell if your dog has an infection or if he has ear mites or another parasite.  Infections are treated with antibiotics and ear drops.  However, this may not help a dog with chronic ear infections.

Take Flopsy, one of my dogs who had suffered from chronic ear infections in the past.  I took her to my vet several times and each time she was treated with antibiotics, ear drops and steroid injections.  Each time her ears cleared up but within a month she was back to flopping her head and scratching at her ears.  Eventually she not only had ear infections, but she would lose her entire coat when she would shed her winter coat, her skin turned black and she had a horrible odor, much worse than “dirty dog smell”. 

We started looking for other causes and agreed that she had allergies.  There are so many things that could cause allergies and the test for them is so expensive that we just started with the most likely cause – her food. 

Many of the store brands of kibble have corn, wheat and soy in them.  Corn, especially, is one of the most common ingredients that cause allergies in dogs.  At that time I was feeding a brand that can be bought anywhere and when I read the label, corn was the first ingredient listed.

I started looking for foods that didn’t include these ingredients. There are a lot of brands out there, some more affordable than others.  I tried a few but she would stop eating them after a short time.  I was at the end of my rope.  

Last year I met someone who is a representative for Life’s Abundance All Natural Pet Food.  She sent me a free bag to try.  My dog loved it so I continued to buy it for her.  This past spring she shed normally.  She doesn’t smell bad anymore.  And her ears are so much better.  I put an ointment in the once a week for maintenance and cleaning and that, along with this great pet food, has given me my happy healthy dog back. 

I am so happy with this food that I decided to become an Independent Field Rep also.  The food is shipped to your door fresh.  It does not sit on store shelves or in warehouses for months on end.  There is no corn, wheat, soy, or byproducts – just all natural ingredients.  I’ve started feeding this to all my dogs and every one of them has benefited.  Their coats are all so shiny and they have great body tone and muscle. 

Life’s Abundance also makes food for cats, dry and canned, as well as canned dog food, treats, supplements and shampoos and ear cleaners.  

Watch this short video, Truth About Pet Food, to learn more about pet nutrition.

I would love to share this with you.  I will send you a free sample bag of either cat or dog food to try.  Shipping is free in Florida.  Out of state I will refund the first $5.00 of shipping when I send the food to you.  This is only for US residents.  If you would like to try a bag please email your name and address to  Specify cat or dog food.  Please put “pet food” in the subject line.

I know your pet will love the food and you will love the positive changes you see in your pet.

1 comment:

  1. This is good to know information if you have a dog. I'm glad you were able to figure out what was wrong! Our pets can suffer with the same illnesses that we do, only they can't tell us when something is wrong. Being an attentive pet owner will help one to discern when their pet is having a problem.
