My Beautiful Furbabies....

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Shelter Pets

Are you thinking of adding a new furbaby to your household?  Are you a cat person or a dog person…..or maybe both?  Have you considered looking into a local shelter or pet rescue to adopt your new friend? 
There are thousands of homeless dogs and cats in shelters.  Many people have lost their homes in this bad economy and cannot take their pets with them when they move.  Sometimes someone will get a pet and realize they don’t have the time or patience for the animal, and they are dropped in shelters.  Everyone loves a kitten or puppy, but the kittens turn into cats and the puppies into dogs and suddenly, they aren’t so cute anymore so off to the shelter they go.  Some become a financial burden when they get old due to health problems.  There are many reasons (or excuses) why dogs and cats end up in shelters.  Unfortunately many of these pets will be euthanized because there just isn’t room to care for them all in the shelters.
Rescue groups do a wonderful job of taking pets from high-kill shelters and then finding foster homes for them until a suitable adoptive family is found.  But again, they too run out of room eventually and have to stop pulling pets from shelters or accepting owner surrenders.
 There are many reasons why one should check into getting a rescue animal FIRST when looking for a new pet. Shelters are flooded with great pets that are just waiting for a home to love them. A rescued animal will normally cost you less than buying a puppy from a breeder.  Rescue pets seem to understand that you have taken them out of a very bad situation and are so loving and protective of their humans. I say this from personal experience.  And most important - you will be saving a life!
Before going to a shelter to find your new friend, have a good idea of what you are looking for.  There are many breed specific dog rescues in the US.  Learn all you can about the breed before you decide.  Some are prone to many health problems, some behavioral problems. If you are not willing to deal with either of those, chose another breed.  There are also shelters and rescues that rescue both dogs and cats, no matter the breed or mix.  Take time when you visit to get to know the pet you are looking at.  How awful it must be for a cat or dog to be adopted, only to be returned because he wasn’t the perfect fit for the family.  Take time to make your decision.  Puppies and kittens and dogs and cats aren’t disposable commodities, something to take lightly or to be passed from home to home to home.   They require attention, exercise, discipline, training, medical care, good nutrition and above all else, love.  
Whether you are looking for a young pet or a “senior” dog or cat, please consider adopting from your local shelter or pet rescue.  

And remember – Responsible pet owners SPAY AND NEUTER!!


  1. Hi Kathy, thanks for stopping by the blog hop and posting your link. We are furbaby lovers of 2 cats, one with a great personality and one not so much. One is wild and the other gets chased. Im glad that you love promoting about adoption of furbabies. I have Tweeted your message to the world. Have a great day! Karren

  2. Hi! I am a new follower from the blog hop! Can't wait to check out more of your blog as I am a fur baby addict! =0)

  3. Hi. Happened upon your site in the blog hop and must say I love it. It is very informative and the pictures are adorable. Thank you for all you do...I sometimes wish I could adopt all the poor animals out there that nobody wanted or abused
